What are the first steps to follow on Izix?

Get a clear overview of the 3 first step you need to follow to start using Izix!

You are now part of the Izix community, welcome!

This article will guide you through your first steps on our web interface and our application to fully set up your organization on Izix.

1. Add your profiles and provide them with access(es)

  1. How to create a profile? OR How to import a list of profiles?
  2. How to assign an access right to user(s)?
  3. How to assign roles?
  4. How to invite your users to join Izix?

2. Manage your vehicles if you have any

  1. How to create vehicle sharing groups?
  2. How to add a new fleet vehicle?
  3. How to create/modify an access in your vehicle fleet?
  4. How can you allow users to book fleet vehicles?

3. Access control 

  1. How to create a visitor access?
  2. How to create a visit?
  3. How to book a parking spot for a user?