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  2. Profile management

How to invite your users to join Izix?

After creating users' profiles on Izix and granting them an access, you still need to invite them.

This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.

Definition: The invitation is an action that an administrator completes in the Izix software in order to notify the users to confirm their account and to start using Izix to benefit from the parking lot access granted. This will also enable them to receive the notifications when making bookings, or releasing their spot.


Why inviting users whose profile is already created? 

By default, once created, the profiles of your users are given the status "Not invited". All actions performed on these profiles do not trigger any communication to the users. Besides, users cannot have access to their profile yet. Therefore, you need to invite them. When inviting a user, you will trigger the following events:

  • A first email is sent to the users invited in order for them to confirm their account and create a password;
  • Once this first step is completed, invited users receive a second email to download the application.

How do I invite a user to discover their Izix profile? 

Invite one user

1. Click on "Profile" in the menu on the left side of the screen

2. Insert the name of the profile you would like to invite

2.1. Click on "Search"

2.2. Click on the "Show" button next to the profile you want to invite

3. Click on "Invite" in the top right corner of your screen

4. Click on "Confirm"

Invite several users

1. Click on "Profiles" in the menu on the left side of your screen

2. Filter on the users based on their "Access", the "Status", the "Tag" or "Payment methods"

2.1 Tick the boxes one by one at the left of their name or click on "Select all search results" to select all the boxes at once

2.2 Click on "List actions"

2.3. Finally click on "Invite users"

3. Click on "Confirm"

To check if your invitation has been accepted, simply consult the page "Profiles" and look at the "Status" column.

This status is either :
  • Validated: the user has accepted your invitation and has set up their password.
  • Pending: user has not yet accepted your invitation
  • Not invited: user has not yet received an invitation to join Izix

Tip: invitation emails might end up in the spam or promotions section of users' mailbox.

Please note that the invitation sent is only valid for a short period of time. After this period, you might have to send a new invitation to users that did not accept it in the first place.