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  2. Profile management

How do I create a profile?

To manage the parking lot access of the members of your organisation, you need to create their profiles.

This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.

Definition: A profile is a user within an organization. Each user is linked to one or various organizations with their profiles. The profile contains all the relevant information of that user regarding parking management.

Why creating a profile?

The creation of profiles is essential for an administrator to be able to subsequently assign parking lot accesses to its users, manage their roles and manage their access to parking lots and vehicles. Anyone with access to Izix has a profile, regardless of their role (administrator or simple user). 

How to create a profile?

Create a single profile

1. Click on "Profiles" in the menu on the left of your screen


2. Click on the "New" button at the top right of the profile list.

3. You will then be redirected to the page where you can fill in the following elements:
    • First name*
    • Last name*
    • Email(s)*
    • Prefix
    • Phone number(s)
    • License plates
    • Tags: Tags are keywords to facilitate the classification of your profiles (for example: you can create tags related to the professions of your employees in order to classify them more easily and then manage them in groups of users).
    • Unique external reference: this is for example an internal matricule number at your company, which you can link to a profile.
    • Language* :  nl_BE for Dutch / en_US for English / fr_BE for French 


4.   After completing this form, scroll down and click on "Confirm".

You can now invite this person to join your organization on Izix and assign them one or more parking lot accesses.


If you want to create several profiles at the same time, read this article : How to import a list of profiles ?