How do I create a profile?

Create a single profile or multiple profiles in bulk.

This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.

Definition: A profile is a user within an organization. Each user is linked to one or various organizations with their profiles. The profile contains all the relevant information of that user regarding parking management.

Why creating a profile?

The creation of profiles is essential for an administrator to be able to subsequently assign parking lot accesses to its users, manage their roles and manage their access to parking lots and vehicles. Anyone with access to Izix has a profile, regardless of their role (only visitors have limited access and should not be created by this method, see here).

Important: A profile is created without access rights. See how to assign access rights here. If you like to use tags to assign access rights upon profile creation, check out our mobility bundle functionality here.

How to create a profile?

It is possible to create single profiles or to create them in bulk via file upload. The following formats are accepted for a bulk upload: .xls, .xlsx, .csv, .ods, .numbers . A maximum of 500 profiles can be uploaded at once.

Create a single profile

Go on the list of users and click "New" or access it directly via this link. Check out the below video for step by step instructions.

Create multiple profiles via file upload

Go on the list of users and click "New" and select "Add multiple profiles" or access it directly via this link. You can download the Izix template or directly upload your own list. Izix' smart profile creation will identify the corresponding columns and give you the possibility to make adjustments where necessary. Check out the below video for step by step instructions.