Glossary and key concepts

Are you new to Izix or confused by the terms related to the configuration of your Izix account? Find an overview and definition of Izix key concepts.

The glossary is divided into the following categories:

  1. General: Generic Izix terms.
  2. Parking setup: Parking related terms to better represent the physical reality of a parking on the Izix system.
  3. Access control: The selective restriction of access to a parking based on pre-defined conditions. Terms related to the management and monitoring of accesses for the flow of people and vehicles.
  4. Dashboard tabs: The Izix interface includes different information. Find an overview of the main tabs and its purpose in this section.

1. General


  • The membership of a user as part of an organisation. A single user can have multiple profiles, one per organisation. A profile has its own roles and attributes such as phones, emails, and vehicles.
  • Depending on the role, the user has limited permissions to access Izix and the configuration of the account.
  • The parking administrator has full access to the Izix interface and can manage all profiles and accesses.

Note: Visitors have Izix profiles, but they are not accessible by the user. Their accesses are solely managed by the administrator. 

Organisation (Owner vs. Tenant)

  • A legal entity (business, association) that either owns, uses or operates a parking lot in the Izix system.
  • An organisation that owns a parking is called an owner
    • An owner leasing their parking becomes a lessor.
  • An organisation that uses a parking owned by a different organisation is called a tenant.


  • A lease is an agreement between two organisations, where an organisation (the lessor) delegates the usage rights of its parking spots (or a subset of spots) to another organisation (the tenant).
  • Once an organisation has rights to a parking spot, it can lease it again. In this way, the usage rights can be transferred (sub-leased). That means that the lessor is not always the owner of the parking lot.

Visitor Portal

  • The visitor portal is a parking reservation site (URL) dedicated to the organisation's visitors and customised to their needs. The branded portal provides visitors with a smooth and modern registration process.

See this article for a detailed overview.


  • A visitor is a user with temporary access to the parking lot. They must be invited by the organisation. Visitors do not have access to the Izix app. They can, however, receive access via any available access method. This includes access via the remote control represented as URL.

2. Parking setup

Parking Lot

  • A building or space, where vehicles can park. It is guarded by a gate, and not accessible for the general public.


  • A single location where one vehicle (car, motorbike, bike, etc.) can be parked within a parking lot. It cannot be further subdivided. 

Group (of spots)

  • A group is a virtual subdivision of parking spots belonging to the same organisation/tenant in a parking lot. Being virtual, it is not related to a physical separation of spots in the parking. The organisation/tenant uses a group to limit the usage of its spots only when certain conditions are met (e.g. Spots equipped with EV charging stations for users with electric cars).


  • It is a schedule that represents the availability of parking lot, lease or access policy. By default a timetable has an available schedule of 24/7. This is fully adjustable.


  • A community is a group of organisations sharing access rights to a selected number of parking spots.
  • Through a community, the use of capacity is optimised and unused capacity is shared with other organisations.

See this article for a detailed overview.

3. Access Control

Access Strategy

  • An access strategy is a specific type of planning that allows the user to rightfully gain access to the parking lot. Users can only use the strategies that are allowed for them by their organisation (e.g. selected staff members should have a secured parking spot vs. employees who book their spot manually). Depending on the chosen access strategy the impact on the occupancy of the parking and on the possibility to enter a parking differs. The goal is to regulate the access to the parking for users with different needs. 

See this article for a detailed overview.

Access Policy

  • An access policy is the junction of an access strategy with a specific timetable, costs and a group. The access policy will be attributed to a specific profile or a vehicle making it a beneficiary. Each access policy  can have a different strategy (First Come First Served (FCFS), booking, preferential etc.). 

Access Right

  • A configured access policy can be assigned to a user which then becomes an access right. A user without access rights cannot enter a parking.

Access method(s)

  • Method used to identify the parker at the gate to grant him (or not) access to the parking lot. Izix has three access methods: ANPR, application, code (+ URL link for visitors)
  • Automatic Number Plate Recognitition (ANPR): Identification method using an automatic number-plate recognition camera at the gate which opens the gate automatically. Requires the licence plate to be stored on the profile. 
  • Application (remote control): The authenticated users have access to an “open gate” button in the mobile app that they can use to open the gate. 
  • Code (keypad): Keyboard input device allowing the entrance with a personal access code. 

URL: For visitors only. Visitors can open the gate via a specific URL received via email.

See this article for a detailed overview.

Grace period

  • The additional time before or after a (planned) entry/exit to a parking lot based on the timetable and access strategy during which the user can still access/leave the parking lot.
  • Grace period is unique by each organisation and will apply to all its access strategies except for visitor reservations.
  • The grace period is applied to access via ANPR but does not apply to remote control openings via the app .

Access sequence enforcement (ASE)

  • ASE is the validation that a user cannot reopen a gate after having already passed through it in the same direction. This means that the gate will not open via any access method (app, ANPR, code) if the last gate opening was identified to be in the same direction.
  • The setting is not enabled by default. It can be enabled from the backend. Please contact your Account Manager for more information.

See this article for a detailed overview.

No re-entry

  • The automatic closure of the reservation when exiting the parking lot.

See this article for a detailed overview.

4. Dashboard tabs

Parking management console & Organisation management console

  • The parking management console is meant for the daily use to monitor the flow of people and vehicles on the parking and to take actions to allow access to the parking.
  • The organisation console serves to configure the parking specific setup or adjust the overall organisation settings. 

See this article for a detailed overview.

Control room

  • Real-time list of accesses to parking lots, with additional controls for a parking guard to grant manual access.

See this article for a detailed overview.

Access log

  • Contains the logs of the opening of the gates of the past 4 months. It includes explanations on the reason for access/denial.

See this article for a detailed overview.

Reservations list

  • Shows all the planned bookings (preferentials, user bookings, visits) and finished FCFS (First Come First Served) sessions of the last 4 months.
  • It show the theoretical planning and represents therefore the allocation of parking spots.
  • Bookings for users and visits can be created from the reservation list.
See this article for a detailed overview.