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Fleet vehicle management: How to enable the use of shared vehicles?

Allow users to use shared vehicles without any hassle with the Izix fleet vehicle functionality.

This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.

Definition: fleet vehicle is a vehicle (car, bike, etc.) belonging to an organisation. It is available to users of the organisation who have received the authorisation to use that vehicle.

Table of content:

  1. What are fleet vehicles
  2. What are fleet vehicle sharing groups?
    1. How to create a fleet vehicle sharing group?
    2. How to assign users to a fleet vehicle sharing group?
  3. How to create a fleet vehicle and assign Access Rights?
    1. Preferential vehicle - Guaranteed parking access via ANPR, users do not need to book
    2. Reservation vehicle - Parking access via ANPR & app, users or admins must book the vehicle in advance
  4. FAQs

1. What are fleet vehicles?

Izix provides your organisation with a tool to manage the availability and access of your shared company vehicles. Track the usage of your shared vehicle and ensure that only allowed staff members have access to it.

There are two types of vehicles in Izix:

  • Personal vehicles linked to individual profiles;
  • Fleet vehicles belonging to the organisation, divided into groups, that can be used by authorised users

Fleet vehicles are shared vehicles that are managed by the organisation. They are not linked to a specific user by default. As such, every fleet vehicle requires a specific vehicle access right. Depending on the setup, fleet vehicles allow for the following:

  • Planning: Users can book a shared vehicle.
  • Occupancy: Shared vehicles are taken into account for the occupancy of the parking.
  • Access: Shared vehicles can enter/exit the parking with specific access rights.
    • Vehicle preferential: An automatic reservation is created for the vehicle, unrelated to any user.
    • Vehicle booking: The vehicle can be booked for the user.
  • Optimisation: Through shared vehicle groups it is possible to segment the bookings of the vehicles in an intelligent and optimal way.

Depending on the Access Type the gate opening behaviour and use will differ:

Access Type Access with ANPR Access with APP Automatic vs booking access
Vehicle preferential

Automatic access
Vehicle booking Booking required

A vehicle that belongs to an organisation and/or vehicle sharing group cannot be linked to a profile from the same organisation. 

2. What are fleet vehicle sharing groups?

Instead of giving access to a fleet vehicle one by one, it is possible to create fleet vehicle sharing groups. Through a fleet vehicle sharing group, users will have access to all fleet vehicles that are part of this group.

This functionality is needed if you wish for users to book the vehicle and to gain access to the parking via the Izix application. If the fleet vehicle is not part of a fleet vehicle sharing group, it cannot be booked by users and the vehicle should only be assigned "preferential vehicle" access.

a) How to creare a fleet vehicle sharing group?

Go to the organisation console -> Settings -> Sharing groups -> Add new

From this overview, it is possible to:

  • Create and delete a fleet vehicle sharing group
  • Add a new fleet vehicle as part of a sharing group
  • Modify the name of a sharing group


  • In order to delete a fleet vehicle sharing group, no fleet vehicle must be assigned to the group.
  • Only a new fleet vehicle can be assigned to the sharing group from this overview. In order to assign an existing fleet vehicle to a group, please go on the fleet vehicle configuration site.

b. How to assign users to a fleet vehicle sharing group?

To give a user access to a fleet vehicle sharing group, go to the profile and edit the access to the sharing groups. This must be done for each profile individually.

3. How to create a fleet vehicle and assign Access Rights?

Key steps related to the creation of fleet vehicles:

  1. Create a Vehicle Access Policy (preferential or booking) (prerequisite)
  2. Assign the Vehicle Access Policy to a group of parking spots if you have multiple group of parking spots (prerequisite)
  3. Create the fleet vehicle(s)(prerequisite)
  4. Assign the Access Policy to the fleet vehicle(s) (prerequisite)
  5. Create a fleet vehicle sharing group and add the fleet vehicle(s) to the group (optional)
  6. Give users access to the fleet vehicle sharing group (optional)

Upon assignment of the access policy, a reservation will be created for the fleet vehicle for the given validity period. This is because it is assumed that the fleet vehicle requires a parkig spot at your parking unless used by a user. It is therefore taken into account for the occupancy of your parking.

a. Preferential vehicle

Once the preferential access is assigned to the vehicle, no further actions are necessary. The reservation for the vehicle is automatically created for the given validity period. The vehicle can pass the gates via ANPR.

Preferential vehicles can only enter/exit the parking via ANPR. The app use is not possible as the usage is not connected to any user in particular.

b. Reservation vehicle

Once the reservation access is assigned to the vehicle and the vehicle was added to a vehicle sharing group, it is possible to book the vehicle. The booking can be done by the administrator or the user but is only possible on the web interface (not the app). To make the booking, the user must have access to the vehicle sharing group. Once a booking is made, the remote access will appear on the app of the user. The access to the parking is therefore possible via ANPR and app.

There are two ways to make a fleet vehicle reservation for a user:

  • From the user profile -> Vehicle bookings -> New
  • From the fleet vehicle -> Vehicle bookings -> New

If no booking is created, the vehicle will not be able to pass at the gate despite the existing reservation in the reservation list.

See this article on how users can book a fleet vehicle.

4. FAQs

Q: Users are trying to book the vehicle on the app, but the fleet vehicle does not appear as option. Why is that?

  • It is unfortunately not possible to book a vehicle on the app. The booking is solely possible via the web interfacce.

Q: I would like to use the fleet vehicle at different parkings and/or would like to assign different Access Rights. How can I do this?

  • A fleet vehicle can only have one Access Right at the time. It can therefore not be used for multiple parkings simultaneously.

Q: My fleet vehicle has a Reservation Access Right and I see the fleet vehicle on the reservation list. Still, the gate did not open. What can be the issue?

  • The reservation of the vehicle on the reservation list solely represents the given Access Right of the vehicle and ensures that it is taken into account for the occupancy of your parking. The reservation list does not show any fleet vehicle bookings of users.
  • Without an additional booking by the user, the car will not appear on the app nor will the ANPR allow access.

Q: Where can I find the bookings of fleet vehicles? I don't see which user booked it on the reservation list.

  • The bookings are only displayed on the fleet vehicle or the user's profile. Unfortunately, there is no single view of all fleet vehicle bookings nor will it be shown on the reservation list.

Q: Can I change the name of the vehicle? 

  • No, unfortunately it is not possible to change the name. The name equals the licence plate of the vehicle.

Q: Can I delete ongoing bookings?

  • Yes. When we delete an ongoing fleet vehicle booking, it will terminate the reservation immediately, but this will not remove the entire reservation from the booking or fleet vehicle overview. 
  • If we delete future reservations, it will remove them fully from the overview and it will no longer appear in the app of the user.