What is the Control Room and how to manage accesses from here?

Read the logs in real time, understand why the gate opening was refused and take immediate action from the control room.

Definition: The Control Room is a special page on the Izix interface where parking owners, administrators, security and reception stakeholders can see the interactions of the parkers within the parking lots in real time. It allows them to control the access to the parking lots and to grant a valid access to parkers that ask for assistance when entering the parking lot.

This article includes the following sections:

  1. What is the purpose of the Control Room?
  2. What type of information can be found in the Control Room?
  3. Key statuses and interpretation
  4. Video overview and examples

1. What is the purpose of the Control Room?

The Control Room has two objectives:

  • Provide visibility on the flow of people and vehicles in real time.
  • Allow for immediate actions in case access is refused.

Moreover, the control room includes a search functionality that can be used to find relevant profiles swiftly. For this, the name or licence plate can be used. The logs of the last 30 minutes will be displayed.

2. What type of information can be found in the Control Room?

By default, all parking lots will be displayed. It is possible to filter by parking lot and other criteria.

Main logs display

  • The list displays all the successful, denied and failed openings of the gates. 

  • Key information such as profile name, licence plate, reason for denial are directly available in the overview.
  • Create a visitor access for unknown logs.
  • More information can be accessed via the eye icon on each log.
Remote search and opening
  • You can search for the user in question via the search bar, identify if they have an existing access right or create a visit and open it remotely

3. Key statuses and interpretation

Column 1: Date

The date and time of the activity will be displayed.

Column 2: Identifier & method

This is the source of the decision for an opening or refusal at the gate. It is how the parker was identified. Depending on the access method, the information displayed differ.

  • Control room: A user with access to the control room acted to open the gate manually via the control room.
  • ANPR & licence plate: The licence plate was read by the camera.
    • Licence plate & "partner": The ANPR system installed onsite is managed by an Izix partner. Izix does not have access to the camera settings.
  • Digits & code: The keypad was used to type in a personal code.
  • Email address & mobile application: Izix application was used to open the gate.
  • Empty: A registered visitor opened the gate via URL.

Column 3: Profile information

Based on the identifier, the system will display whether the profile is known or not.

  • (Licence plates and) Name: The system identified the profile and shows all assigned licence plates. If no licence plate is assigned, only the name will be displayed. In case of a fleet vehicle, the name of the fleet vehicle group will be displayed.
  • Unknown: The licence plate that was read by the system is not stored in the system.

If an expected visitor reaches out and is in front of the gate and is refused entry, it is likely that their licence plate was not stored in the system. Search for the profile to open the gate manual and to avoid having to create a new reservation.

Column 4: Gate

The name of the gate will be displayed. This is useful to identify the direction (IN or OUT) and the gate in case of multiple parkings and gates.

Column 5: Status

The decision and status of the gate response will be displayed here.

  • Opened: Gate was successfully opened.
  • Refused: The gate was not opened.
  • Failed: There seems to be an issue with the gate opening. Reach out to the Izix support team for troubleshooting.

Always consult column 5 on the reason for refusal.

Column 6: Reason

In case the gate opening was refused, this column will display further information on why this is the case. 

  • Unknown identifier: The profile cannot be identified. The logged license plate is not known to the system. 
  • Entrance method not allowed: The profile was identified. Some access policies do not allow for all access methods. E.g. the camera identified the licence plate and user, but the existing access right only gives access via mobile application.
  • No valid access: The profile was identified. The person does not have a valid access or may not have any access rights. E.g. They are trying to exit after their booking time or they are trying to enter although they still have an open session and never logged out of the parking.
  • No parking spot left: The profile was identified. In case of FCFS (First come first served) access, access will be denied if the parking is full.
  • No valid parking booking: The profile was identified. In case of booking access, a reservation is required. The profile does not have any active reservation.
  • Too far from gate: The profile was identified. They used the mobile app but geolocation identified them to be too far from the gate.

Always make use of the eye icon to get more detailed information on the reason for refusal.

Column 7: Actions

In case the access was refused, it is possible to create a visitor access.

4. Video overview and examples

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General notes:

  • If a visitor arrives before the start of the reservation, the gate will not open. It is therefore recommended to create a visitor reservation for a longer timeframe than the actual visit (+15-30 minutes before and after). If the visitor arrives in advance and you wish to open the gate immediately, it is recommended to create a short reservation for the same visitor. Note: This reservation cannot overlap with the existing reservation.
  • It is recommended to not create any visitor access for non-visitor profiles. It is important to trust that the system takes the decision based on the setup of the account and to inform users why their access may have been denied. It is also possible to create bookings for a user. See here.
  • For generic information on how to create visitor accesses, please see here.
  • The email address for a visitor is mandatory. You can use an alternative/test email if the visitor's email is unknown. The domain, however, must be valid for the system to accept it.