You can easily book a vehicle for a user, in just a few steps.
This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.
A fleet vehicle is a vehicle (car, bike, etc.) belonging to an organization. It is available to users of the organization who have receive the authorization to use that vehicle.
The organization administrator can define different groups of shared fleet vehicles, for which they have full management rights. These shared vehicle groups will allow the organization to segment the bookings of the vehicles in its fleet in an intelligent and optimal way for its users (e.g. Electric fleet vehicles, cargo bikes, etc.).
What are the types of vehicle Izix can manage ?
There are two types of vehicles within Izix :
- Personal vehicles that users link to their own profile
- Shared vehicles belonging to the organization, divided into group, bookable by the members of the organization to whom the authorization has been given
With Izix, you can not only manage these fleet vehicles, but also make them available to users of your organisation through our booking tool. Users who have a vehicle booked will have access to the parking lot(s) linked to the booked vehicle during their reservation.
As an administrator, you might have to complete a vehicle booking for one of your users.
How to book a vehicle for a user ?
1. In the menu on the left, choose "Vehicle fleet"
2. If there isn't any fleet vehicle available add one by clicking on "Add new" at the right top. If fleet vehicles are displayed, select the on you want to book and click on "Show vehicle details"
3. Click on "New" under the tab "Vehicle bookings"
5. You must then complete:
- The Start date of the booking
- The End date of the booking
6. Click on "Confirm" to validate
Once the vehicle booking is confirmed, a remote will pop-up in the app at the time of the booking, hence the users will be able to enter and exit the parking lot during the time of the booking.
The vehicles to be listed here are those of the company and not those of each user.