What are the parking management interface and the organisation console?

Understand Izix' interfaces on the web and its main purposes.

Izix web interface has two main interfaces with different menu options. The access to the interfaces and functionalities within these interfaces depend on the permissions of the user and Izix subscription.

  • The parking management console is meant for the daily use to monitor the flow of people and vehicles on the parking and to take actions to allow access to the parking.
  • The organisation console serves to configure the parking specific setup or adjust the overall organisation settings.

Depending on the permissions and role, some functionalities are accessible through both interfaces. 

The parking management console

The parking management console is commonly used by parking managers, reception or operators. When accessing the parking management console, we get direct access to the control room. It is particularly for the daily use to manage the current flow of people and vehicles and to act swiftly if needed.

The menu on the left hand side gives access to a number of useful functionalities to understand the current planning and occupancy of the parking and to open the gate manually in case needed. 

The menu on top of the site may depend on the user's permissions and gives additional access to functionalities such as user profiles, community access or other subscription dependent functionalities.

In addition to the above, the propery manager (owner) can easily create and manage leases, invite new tenants and overall provide new services and offer more value and a better ROI for their building with the helpf of this interface.

The following key actions can be taken care of from this interface:

  • Login and basic navigation
  • Creation of a new lease and invitation of existing or new tenants
  • Visibility on the exiting leases and their details (not the lease agreement itself)
  • Overview, search & filter of the live & historical accesses in the parking (=access logs)  
  • Supporting users te enter the parking lot based on their access right and remote opening functionality (=control room)
  • Visibility on the list of spots, gates and zones 

The organisation console

The organisation console is commonly used by administrators or parking owners and allows to review and adjust parking and organisation configurations. It is possible to switch between different organisations (if applicable) and parkings (if applicable).

Clicking on a specific parking from the parking list, parking specific configuration can be managed. E.g. how many parking spots exist, how are they grouped, what type of parking accesses and methods are available for users etc.. Some tabs redirect to the parking management console where relevant.

Other general settings are related to the overall organisation setup. This may include the profiles, fleet vehicles or generic settings such a grace period, available planning periods or allowance policies (related to credits).

The following key actions can be taken care of from this interface:

  • Manage users and roles
  • Create access policies for existing parkings
  • Create and manage parking spots and groups
  • Manage fleet vehicles
  • Change available planning periods, grace period, access strategy priorities


Search the knowledge base to find more detailed information on each tab/functionality.