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  2. End user guides
  3. Parking spot booking and release

How to cancel my spot release?

You can cancel your own spot release, if you finally decide that you will still need access to the parking lot.

This feature's availability depends on your subscription plan and role.

Definition: A release is the action completed by a user to free up their spot during a period of time when they won’t use the parking loy.  

Why cancelling the release of my spot?

If you have been assigned a preferential access "PREF", you have a permanently booked spot in the parking associated with your access. You therefore have a guaranteed spot in the parking during the whole validity period of your access. Releasing your spot allows you to notify the rest of the company that you will not use your access for a given period. In short, this allows you to make it available to other users during the release period.

If you finally change your mind after releasing your spot, it is essential to cancel the release of your spot as soon as possible in order not to generate overbooking due to the fact that another user would have already booked it in the meantime.

The cancellation of your release can lead to an overbooking. In this case, bookings made by other users will be deleted. 

How do I cancel my release? 

You can cancel the release of your place directly on the Izix software

1. Click on "My accesses" in the menu on the left of your screen

2. Click on "My spot releases" to the right of your access


3. Click on "Delete" in the "Action" column corresponding to the release you want to delete.


4. Your parking spot has been released 
